Megalithic monuments and social structures
Comparative studies on recent and Funnel Beaker societies
Maria Wunderlich | 2019
Megalith building constitutes not only a past, but also a recent phenomenon, which is still practised today. The documentation and interpretation of recent megalith building traditions is offering potential aid in the interpretation of prehistoric…
Creatures of Earth, Water and Sky
Essays on Animals in Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Edited by Stéphanie Porcier, Salima Ikram & Stéphane Pasquali | 2019
Ancient Egyptians always had an intense and complex relationship with animals in daily life as well as in religion. Despite the fact that research on this relationship has been a topic of study, gaps in…
In the Footsteps of Honor Frost
The life and legacy of a pioneer in maritime archaeology
Edited by Lucy Blue | 2019
Maritime archaeologist Honor Frost (1917-2010) was a pioneer in her field. She left a rich legacy through her innovative research conducted in the eastern Mediterranean on the remains of ports and harbours, sea-level change, shipwrecks…
Osteoarchaeology in historical context
Cemetery research from the Low Countries
Edited by Roos van Oosten, Rachel Schats & Kerry Fast | 2019
Osteoarchaeology is a rich field for reconstructing past lives in that it can provide details on sex, age-at-death, stature, and pathology in conjunction with the cultural, social, and economic aspects of the person’s environment and…
Death Revisited
The excavation of three Bronze Age barrows and surrounding landscape at Apeldoorn-Wieselseweg
Arjan Louwen & David Fontijn | 2019
This book presents a group of small and inconspicuous barrows that were recently discovered in the forest of Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. They are part of an extensive barrow landscape of which little was yet known.…
Was tranken die frühen Kelten?
Bedeutungen und Funktionen mediterraner Importe im früheisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa. Internationale Konferenz Kloster Weltenburg 28.04.-01.05.2017.
Edited by Philipp W. Stockhammer & Janine Fries-Knoblach | 2019
Was die sogenannten „frühen Kelten” tranken, weckt seit über hundert Jahren das Interesse der Wissenschaft und der Öffentlichkeit. Funde mediterraner Importkeramik ließen Forscher_innen schon früh vermuten, dass den „Kelten“ vor allem an einer Nachahmung mediterraner…
Perspectives on Lived Religion
Practices - Transmission - Landscape
Edited by Nico Staring, Huw Twiston Davies and Lara Weiss | 2019
Religion in the ancient world, and ancient Egyptian religion in particular, is often perceived as static, hierarchically organised, and centred on priests, tombs, and temples. Engagement with archaeological and textual evidence dispels these beguiling if…
Search results for cat-method-theory
Megalithic monuments and social structures
Comparative studies on recent and Funnel Beaker societies
Maria Wunderlich | 2019
Megalith building constitutes not only a past, but also a recent phenomenon, which is still practised today. The documentation and interpretation of recent megalith building traditions is offering potential aid in the interpretation of prehistoric…
Creatures of Earth, Water and Sky
Essays on Animals in Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Edited by Stéphanie Porcier, Salima Ikram & Stéphane Pasquali | 2019
Ancient Egyptians always had an intense and complex relationship with animals in daily life as well as in religion. Despite the fact that research on this relationship has been a topic of study, gaps in…
In the Footsteps of Honor Frost
The life and legacy of a pioneer in maritime archaeology
Edited by Lucy Blue | 2019
Maritime archaeologist Honor Frost (1917-2010) was a pioneer in her field. She left a rich legacy through her innovative research conducted in the eastern Mediterranean on the remains of ports and harbours, sea-level change, shipwrecks…
Osteoarchaeology in historical context
Cemetery research from the Low Countries
Edited by Roos van Oosten, Rachel Schats & Kerry Fast | 2019
Osteoarchaeology is a rich field for reconstructing past lives in that it can provide details on sex, age-at-death, stature, and pathology in conjunction with the cultural, social, and economic aspects of the person’s environment and…
Death Revisited
The excavation of three Bronze Age barrows and surrounding landscape at Apeldoorn-Wieselseweg
Arjan Louwen & David Fontijn | 2019
This book presents a group of small and inconspicuous barrows that were recently discovered in the forest of Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. They are part of an extensive barrow landscape of which little was yet known.…
Was tranken die frühen Kelten?
Bedeutungen und Funktionen mediterraner Importe im früheisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa. Internationale Konferenz Kloster Weltenburg 28.04.-01.05.2017.
Edited by Philipp W. Stockhammer & Janine Fries-Knoblach | 2019
Was die sogenannten „frühen Kelten” tranken, weckt seit über hundert Jahren das Interesse der Wissenschaft und der Öffentlichkeit. Funde mediterraner Importkeramik ließen Forscher_innen schon früh vermuten, dass den „Kelten“ vor allem an einer Nachahmung mediterraner…
Perspectives on Lived Religion
Practices - Transmission - Landscape
Edited by Nico Staring, Huw Twiston Davies and Lara Weiss | 2019
Religion in the ancient world, and ancient Egyptian religion in particular, is often perceived as static, hierarchically organised, and centred on priests, tombs, and temples. Engagement with archaeological and textual evidence dispels these beguiling if…
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