Sidestone Library Program

Sidestone Press champions Open Science. We love books and believe that scientific information published in them should be available to all. We already provide free online reading to our books worldwide. But, for subscribing Libraries, we provide full access to all our E-books. All Library users will be able to download all our e-books and also get a discount on printed books.

Joining our Library program has the added benefit of helping us in our mission to provide free access to our books around the world. If you would like to learn more about our Library Program, or would like to see a demonstration, feel free to contact us at:

The annual fee for an Academic Library is €960,- (excl. VAT). We also offer our Library Program to smaller research institutes and commercial companies, please contact us to learn more about these rates.

What do Library Program members get?

  • Library users can freely download all our PDF e-books. At present (start 2022) our catalogue contains ca. 450 titles and 40-60 new books are published each year. Newly published books are included in our e-library without delay, and as a member, you have instant access to new books as they are published.
  • Instant access to an ever growing lists of academic series and periodicals, including:
    - Scales of Transformation in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies (Univ. of Kiel, Germany)
    - Palma (Proceedings of the National Museum of Antiquities, Netherlands)
    - Ruralia (Int. ass. for (post)medieval archaeology of settlement and rural life)
    - OSPA (Open series for prehistoric European archaeology)
    - Taboui (Caribbean Archaeology Series)
    - Honor Frost Research and General publications (Two new series on Maritime Archaeology)
    - ROOTS (New series with Univ. of Kiel, Germany)
    - CLUES (International scientific series of the research institute CLUE+)
    - APL (Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia, Univ. Leiden, Netherlands (incl backlist titles))
    - National Museum of Ethnology (series for Dutch National Museum of Ethnology)
    - RGP series (RijksGeschiedkundige Publicatiën, Huygens Institute, Netherlands)
    - LJPS (Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies, Univ. Leiden)
    - Metaaltijden series (Annual series for the study of Metal Ages in the Low Countries)
    - RMO Exhibitions (Annual series of wider public books for the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities)
    - Pacific Presences (Series with the Cambridge museum for Archaeology and Anthropology)
    - Several new series will be announced soon
  • Access to our Library Program is based on IP address. This means all computers and devices connected to the Member’s network automatically have full access (either direct or via proxy/remote workspace). If your organization requires a different manner to connect to our server, feel free to contact us. Depending on technical requirements set-up costs may apply.
  • Member Libraries are free to include PDF’s to their own repository for permanent access.
  • Libraries and their users receive 25% discount on all Sidestone printed books.* This means both the Library itself, as well as all staff, students and alumni that have access to the library are able to purchase printed copies 25% off the normal list price.
  • Become a patron by sharing your account. If you have a partnership with an institute that is not likely to be able to afford their own membership (small museum/institute, university from a developing country), feel free to ask us to add their IPs to your account at no extra cost. As long as their usage is in line with your own usage, we are happy to add them to the program as part of your account.
  • Title information can be automatically imported to your library system via OCLC/Worldcat global collection (Collection name: Sidestone Press Books | Collection ID: sidestone.ebooks) and via ExLibris. We can also provide regular title updates via e-mail.
  • Simple static links can be incorporated in your Library system. Link to (replace ISBN for the ISBN of the book you wish to link to)

Additional reasons why to join our Library Program

Sidestone Press aims to maximize the exposure of academic content. Our “bookstore” is effectively an e-library since we offer worldwide free online access to our publications. By offering access to our books for free, more people than ever have access to our publications. First of all, this is beneficial to our authors as it greatly increases the exposure of their work, and in effect, the impact of their research. Second, of course, it enables our readers – scholars and students around the world – to access our publications at any time and in any place, including those parts of the world where access to good quality academic libraries is not guaranteed.

Our authors retain full copyright of their work and we fully support Open Access. Sidestone authors are therefore free to upload their PDFs of their books or articles to various repositories, make them freely available to students or send them to colleagues.

It will come as no surprise that this publication strategy is not aimed at maximizing financial profit. Hence by becoming a member of our Library Program you support Sidestone and our way of publishing. By becoming a member you help us to continue to provide free access to our books to scholars and students worldwide.

Current members

We are honoured to have subscribing libraries all over the world. Current members include both Universities (among others: Groningen, Sheffield, Harvard, Leiden, UCL, Ottawa, Cardiff, Glasgow, Leuven, Kiel) and Museums (among others: British Museum, Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum, Dutch National Museum of Antiquities).

Send us a message to apply for a subscription or request more information.


*This excludes titles in Dutch language during the first year of publication. This unfortunately is due to a Dutch Law prohibiting discount on newly published books in the Dutch language.

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